Artificial intelligence was NOT used to create this work. Images were created using traditional computational methods, and all design elements and creative decisions were manually programmed by the artist.
VenusBot 2015 generates a random non sequiter every hour and explores the relationship between coherence and nonsense by using a finite amount of words and a simplified syntax.
Example Tweets
Lab Notes
Nouns: nectar, structure, structures, vault, vaults, murals, mural, wax, paint, stucco, space, field, fields, closet, hallway, corner, stone, stones, bitch, bitches, copy, copies, original, originals, anecdote, anecdotes, variation, variations, theme, Venus, red, umbre, shadow, shadows, wall, walls
Verbs: sourced, turned, me,Ted, made, waxed, corbelled, painted, became, situated, bitched, refused, reduced, burned, shadowed, copied.
Auxiliary verb: have
Adjectives: sour, melted, fine, hexagonal, waxy, corbelled, organic, delimited, stone, another, other, some, Roman-era, Greek, widespread, red, anecdotal, variated
Articles: a, an, the
Prepositions : on, of, in, to, for
Adverbs: not
Punctuation: —, ...
Sentence structure: Article + adjective + noun + prepositional phrase (article, noun, adjective) + have + not + verb + prepositional phrase (article, noun, adjective) + article + adjective + noun (object) + prepositional phrase (article, noun, adjective + punctuation